Before reading this page, it is highly recommended you read Distributed Architecture page.

What are Agents?

Agents are build machines that are responsible for building and running actions. The Continua CI environment can be broken into two parts, the Continua Server and Continua Agents. The server stores all build data and controls and directs the build workflow, while the agents are solely responsible for running individual builds. All builds are broken up into Stages and these stages are individually sent to an agent to execute the stage's build steps. Note that this means that each stage of a build will not necessarily run on the same agent. For more information on the Continua architecture see the Distributed Architecture page.

Agents allow you to run multiple builds concurrently across your network. Note that builds can run concurrently, not stages on a single build. Stages will always run sequentially.

The standard Continua installer also includes the agent installer. By default, Continua comes with 1 agent which must be installed locally on the Continua Server machine.

If your Continua environment includes multiple concurrent builds then additional agents can be installed on your network. An unlimited number of agents can be installed on your network once your Continua CI environment has been licensed for multiple concurrent builds. Note that the free edition of Continua CI is limited to only 1 agent and it must be installed on the Continua CI server machine.

Adding an Agent

An unlimited number of agents can be added to Continua once your Continua CI environment has been enabled for multiple concurrent builds. To register a machine as an agent, you will need the agent installer which comes bundled with the server installer. The agent installer can be found in the Administration section on the Agents page (As shown below). Use the [32-bit] and [64-bit] links to download the 32-bit and 64-bit installers respectively.

Once you have the agent installer, you will need to run it on the machine that will become an agent. Check out the Agent Installation page for more details on installing agents.


Removing an Agent


Agent Compatibility


Compatible Agents


Incompatible Agents


Authorising & De-authorising Agents


Concurrent Builds


Agent Property Collectors