What are they?

Expressions are a mechanism for the auto-completion of values which may not be known until build execution time (for example the current build number).  They can also be used to autocomplete variables.

Where can I use them?

Expressions can be utilised in several dialog fields throughout Continua (they are especially useful within stage actions, and build event handlers).  

The expansion icon (below) denotes fields that have expression capabilities. Note is some areas, such as configuration variables, you can click on this icon to disable expressions


Expression Expansion

To initiate an expansion, simply type the dollar symbol '$' and the expression auto complete will present (note: not all objects are available in all fields).

Available Expression Objects

Different expression objects are available for each expandable field depending on which stage in the build process the expression will be evaluated at, and whether it will be evaluated on the server or an agent.

Agent-side expression objects

Stage Actions, Workspace Rules, and Expression Variables

Expandable fields on Action dialogs, and the Workspace Rules tab of the Stage Options dialog in the Stages step of the configuration wizard, and the Edit Variable dialog in various areas, support the following root expression objects.

Server-side expression objects

Triggers and Repositories

Most expandable fields on the Edit Repository dialog and the Edit Trigger dialog, except for the Variables and Artifacts tabs for Build Completed triggers, support the following root expression objects.

Variables and Artifacts for Build Completed Triggers

Expandable fields on the Variables and Artifacts tabs for Build Completed triggers, support the following root expression objects.

Version Format

The Version Format field on the Stages step of the configuration wizard, supports the following root expression objects. 


Expandable fields on the Edit Variable dialog (for variable types other than Expression) , support the following root expression objects.

Configuration Conditions, Build Event Handlers and Agent Conditions

Expandable fields when editing Configuration Conditions in the Conditions step of the configuration wizard, in the Edit Build Event Handlers dialog, and in Agent Conditions on the Agent page under Administration, support the following root expression objects.

Agent Requirements

Expandable fields on the Agent Requirements tab of the Stage Options dialog in the Stages step of the configuration wizard, support the following root expression objects.

Stage Gate, Promote Conditions and Skip Conditions

Expandable fields on the Edit Stage Gate dialog, Promote Conditions and Skip Conditions tabs of the Stage Options dialog in the Stages step of the configuration wizard, support the following root expression objects.


Expandable fields on the Edit Report dialog, support the following root expression objects.


Repository (used by $Source )

NameDescriptionTypeUsage Example
BranchThe full name of the branch associated with the build for the given repositoryString$Source.RepoName.Branch$"/branches/a_test_branch"
BranchNameThe branch name of the branch associated with the build for the given repositoryString$Source.RepoName.BranchName$"a_test_branch"
BuiltChangesetA reference object to the changeset information related to the changeset which is being built for the given repository (as defined below)Changeset$Source.RepoName.BuildChangeset.TagNames$"tag1,tag2,tag3"
CommitsSinceLatestTagThe number of commits listed in the changeset history for the current branch of the given repository since the latest tagInteger$Source.RepoName.CommitsSinceLatestTag$3
LatestChangesetA reference object to the changeset information related to the most recent changeset for the given repository (as defined below).Changeset$Source.RepoName.LatestChangeset.Comment$"a comment from the last commit"
LatestTagNameThe latest tag name (if one exists) listed in the changeset history for the current branch of the given repositoryString$Source.RepoName.LatestTagName$"tag3"
LatestTriggeringChangesetA reference object to the changeset information related to the latest changeset for the given repository which triggerred this build (as defined below)Changeset$Source.RepoName.BuildChangeset.BranchName$"master"
PathThe disk location of the source associated with the build for the given repositoryString$Source.RepoName.Path$"C:\ContinuaAgent\Ws\44\Source\"
TagThe tag name (if one exists) associated with the build for the given repositoryString$Source.RepoName.Tag$"v3-release"
TypeThe repository product being usedString$Source.RepoName.Type$"Mercurial"
UrlThe URL of the repository in question (as defined within the repository preferences)String$Source.RepoName.Url$"https://github.com/VSoftTechnologies/Delphi-Mocks.git"

Changeset (used by $Source)

NameDescriptionTypeUsage Example
IdA unique identifier given to this changesetString$Source.RepoName.BuiltChangeset.Id$"a4ae66dffe5342e47c3aaf987bced4e9a320559e"
CommentThis comment associated with this changesetString$Source.RepoName.BuiltChangeset.Comment$"This is a test commit"
RepositoryUsernameThe username of the repository user who committed this changesetString$Source.RepoName.BuiltChangeset.RepositoryUsername$"Peter Toms"
BranchThe full branch path of the latest changeset associated with this repositoryString$Source.RepoName.BuiltChangeset.Branch$"/branches/a_test_branch"
BranchNameThe branch name of the latest changeset associated with this repositoryString$Source.RepoName.BuiltChangeset.BranchName$"a_test_branch"
CreatedThe date and time when the changeset was committed or created within the source repositoryDateTime$Source.RepoName.BuiltChangeset.Created$"11/09/2014 1:48:36 AM"
FileCountThe number of file changes associated with this commitInteger$Source.RepoName.BuiltChangeset.FileCount$1
CommitterUserNameThe username of the Continua User who committed this changeset (if one exists based on user repository mappings )String$Source.RepoName.BuiltChangeset.CommitterUserName$"peter.toms@finalbuilder.com"
CommitterFullNameThe full name of the Continua user who committed this changeset (if one exists based on user repository mappings)String$Source.RepoName.BuiltChangeset.CommitterFullName$"Peter Toms"
FirstTagNameThe name of the first (or earliest) tag associated with this changesetString$Source.RepoName.BuiltChangeset.FirstTagName$"tag1"
LatestTagNameThe name of the latest tag associated with this changesetString$Source.RepoName.BuiltChangeset.LatestTagName$"tag3"
TagNamesA comma-delimited list of tags associated with this changesetString$Source.RepoName.BuiltChangeset.TagNames$"tag1,tag2,tag3"
ChangedTagNameThe name of the tag which was changed by this changesetString$Source.RepoName.LatestTriggeringChangeset.ChangedTagName$"tag3"

Stage (used by $Build)

NameDescriptionTypeUsage Example
NameThe stage name as defined within the workflow editorString$Build.Stage.Name"this is a test stage"
MetricsA reference object to the metrics associated with this build (as defined below).Metrics$Build.Stage.MetricsN/A

Metrics (used by $Build)

NameDescriptionTypeUsage Example
Compiler.WarningThe total number of compiler warnings for the current build (eg MSBuild or Visual Studio build warnings)Integer$Build.Metrics.Compiler.Warning$5
Compiler.ErrorThe total number of compiler errors for the current build (eg MSBuild or Visual Studio build errors)Integer$Build.Metrics.Compiler.Error$5
UnitTestsA reference object for the unit test metric details (as defined below)UnitTests$Build.Metrics.UnitTestsN/A

UnitTests (used by $Build.Metrics)

NameDescriptionTypeUsage Example
FixtureCountThe total number of test fixturesInteger$Build.Metrics.UnitTests.FixtureCount$5
CaseCountThe total number of test casesInteger$Build.Metrics.UnitTests.CaseCount$5
PassedThe number of passed testsInteger$Build.Metrics.UnitTests.Passed$10
FailedThe number of failed testsInteger$Build.Metrics.UnitTests.Failed$5
ErrorThe number of tests in errorInteger$Build.Metrics.UnitTests.Error$1
NotRunThe number of tests not runInteger$Build.Metrics.UnitTests.NotRun$1
InconclusiveThe number of inconclusive testsInteger$Build.Metrics.UnitTests.Inconclusive$1
IgnoredThe number of ignored testsInteger$Build.Metrics.UnitTests.Ignored$1
InvalidThe number of invalid testsInteger$Build.Metrics.UnitTests.Invalid$1
SkippedThe number of skipped testsInteger$Build.Metrics.UnitTests.Skipped$1

Version (used by $Build.Version)

NameDescriptionTypeUsage Example
DefaultA reference object for the default versionDefault$Build.Version.DefaultN/A
DotNetA reference object for the .Net versionDotNet$Build.Version.DotNetN/A

Default (used by $Build.Version.Default)

NameDescriptionTypeUsage Example
MajorThe version major portion of the version numberInteger$Build.Version.Default.Major$"1" (given "")
MinorThe version minor portion of the version numberInteger$Build.Version.Default.Minor$"2" (given "")
BuildThe version build portion of the version numberInteger$Build.Version.Default.Build$"3" (given "")
RevisionThe version revision portion of the version numberInteger$Build.Version.Default.Revision$"4" (given "")

DotNet (used by $Build.Version.DotNet)

NameDescriptionTypeUsage Example
MajorThe version major portion of the version numberInteger$Build.Version.DotNet.Major$"1" (given "")
MinorThe version minor portion of the version numberInteger$Build.Version.DotNet.Minor$"2" (given "")
BuildThe version build portion of the version numberInteger$Build.Version.DotNet.Build$"0" (given "")
RevisionThe version revision portion of the version numberInteger$Build.Version.DotNet.Revision$"1287" (given "")