[Automise Professional Edition]

Wait for Variable pauses the project run until a given Automise variable has changed.

For an overview of "Wait For..." events, including specifics of the Wait Options, see ASync Action Group. Otherwise, the variable value will never change and the action can never unblock (the action will fail outright if it is run from outside an ASync Action Group.)

Wait For Variable

You can wait for the following conditions:

Wait condition

Wait For Value to Change

The action will unblock as soon as the value of the variable changes, relative to its value when the action first runs.

Match full string

The action will unblock as soon as the variable's value matches exactly the text in the "Text to Match" edit field.

Contains substring

The action will unblock as soon as the variable's value contains the text in the "Text to Match" edit field.

Matches regular expression

The action will unblock as soon as the variable's value matches the regular expression specified in the "Text to Match" edit field.

Text to Match

Enter the text to match against the condition. If the variable is a number, it is safe to enter numeric digits here. If the variable is boolean, use "True" and "False."

Wait for

Wait for exit code

Wait for output to contain string

Wait for output to not contain string

Match as regular expression

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