[Automise Professional Edition]

The DTSRun utility executes a package created using Data Transformation Services (DTS). The DTS package can be stored in the Microsoft® SQL Server™ msdb database, a COM-structured storage file, or SQL Server Meta Data Services.

On this page:


Connection & Security

SQL Server


The name of the server that the SQL server exists on. This can be its IP address or its name.

Server instance

The name of the specific database instance to connect to on the supplied server. 


Use integrated security

Uses a trust connection where a username and password are not required. The current user does require domain access to the specified SQL server and instance. 


The username to use connect to the SQL server with. 


The password that matches the supplied username to connect to the SQL server. 

DTS options

Repository database

DTS package

Package name

The name of the DTS package. This would have been assigned when the package was created.  

Package GUID string

The ID of the DTS package. The ID is a GUID.

Package version GUID string

The DTS package version. This would have been assigned when it was either first saved or run. Note that a new version ID is assigned each time it is modified. The version ID is a GUID. 

DTS package from file

The name of the DTS package file to load. The package is retrieved from the SQL server being connected to and loaded into the structure storage engine.


Package password

The password for a password protected DTS package. 

Name of package log file

Specifies the name to use for the DTS packages log file. 

Specify package global variables

A list of variables to define for the DTS package. Note that if the user credentials supplied don't have ownership writes over the DTS package the packages default variables will be used instead. Using and supplying a package password is another way to get these variables applied. 

Delete DTS package from SQL server

Specify this option to delete the DTS package from the SQL server the action is connected to. 

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