.NET Scripting Properties


Script PropertyExample (Javascript)Valid ValuesDefaultPersistedDescription
Action.OverrideSDKDefault = true;
true, falsefalseOn save

Specifies whether the default SDK version set in the FinalBuilder options should be overridden for this action. Setting this to true will mean the SDK version will be taken from the SDKVersion property on the action.

Action.Architecture = ta32;
ta32, ta64ta32On save

Whether to use the 32-bit or 64-bit versions of the underlying tool. Note that some tools can not be run as the 64-bit version from a 32-bit process. As a result these tools will either report an error or simply link to the 32-bit version. Check each tools MSDN reference for more details.

Action.SDKVersion = "v4.0";

v2.0, v3.0, v3.5, v4.0, or

any other installed .NET version

set in optionsOn save

Sets the overridden SDK version for the underlying tool. The specified SDK version needs to be installed on the machine otherwise an error will be raised saying the specific tool could not be found.

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