[FinalBuilder Professional Edition]

The Stack/Queue Define action is used for creating a new list and giving it a name.

Define List

Stack/Queue Name

The name you want to give the list.  The other Stack and Queue actions refer to the list by name.

List Type

Stack (first in, last out), or Queue (first in, first out).  The type determines in what order the items in the list will be popped or iterated.




Say we have 3 items to put on the list, a, b, and c:

  1. Push a
  2. Push b
  3. Push c

If we pop the items off a Stack, we get:

  1. Pop c
  2. Pop b
  3. Pop a

If we pop the items off a Queue, we get:

  1. Pop a
  2. Pop b
  3. Pop c
  • No labels