PVCS Get will list files in your PVCS repository.

Project DB Directory - specify the Database directory of your PVCS repository

Project Path - specify the path to the project you want to list

Entity - specify the file mask of the files you want to list.

Security - specify an alternate username/password if you want to override the default security credentials

Output listing to file - if you want PVCS to redirect to a file, then select this option and enter the filename.  Otherwise the listing will be captured in the FinalBuilder log.

Include Versioned Files in Subprojects - The "Include versioned files in subprojects" check box sets the -z flag when calling pcli.exe  In Version Manager 8.1 (and possibly other versions), the entity edit box must be set to "*" to make that work.  Using "*.*", or "*.txt" will only report the files in the listed VM project, and ignore any sub projects.

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