There are a number of ways to use the list of files found by a FileSet:

  1. Use the FileSet To Variable action to output the list of files to a FinalBuilder variable in the chosen format
  2. Use the FileSet directly in script code to iterate the fileset or generate a string containing the files in the fileset, eg. MyFileSet.Count
  3. Use the FileSet directly in fields of FinalBuilder actions using the variable syntax, eg. %MyFileSet.File1%

Methods of a FileSet

The methods of a FileSet can be accessed in both script and via the variable syntax in the fields of actions using the following syntax:

  • Count - returns the amount (integer) of files in the FileList
  • IsEmpty - returns true or false (boolean) depending if any files are in the FileSet
  • File<index> - returns the filename (string) specified by the index. The index specified is zero based (ie. first file in fileset is index 0) and must be less than the total amount of files in the FileSet.
  • AllFiles - returns all the files (string) in the FileSet

If accessing the FileSet using the variable syntax, the following parameters are also available:


Specifying the quote type overrides the default quote type as specified in the FileSet Define action.  Can be appended to both the File and AllFiles methods


Specifying the separator type overrides the default separator character as specified in the FileSet Define action.  Can be appended to the AllFiles method.



To retrieve the count of files in the fileset:

Variable SyntaxScript

File X

To retrieve file 10 in the FileSet:

Variable SyntaxScript

File X with quoting

To retrieve file 5 in the FileSet overriding the default quoting to use double quotes:

Variable SyntaxScript
MyFileSet.OutputQuoting = qtDouble

File X with seperator

To retrieve file 5 in the FileSet overriding the default separator:

Variable SyntaxScript
MyFileSet.OutputSeparator = spComma

All files

To retrieve all files in the FileSet:

Variable SyntaxScript

All files with quotation and separator

To retrieve all files in the FileSet overriding the default separator and quote type:

Variable SyntaxScript
MyFileSet.OutputQuoting = qtSingle
MyFileSet.OutputSeparator = spComma
  • No labels