The Nuget Restore action is used to populate a set of NuGet packages on the build server (usually prior to these packages being built into your project).



A friendly name for this action (will be displayed in the stages area).

Packages.config or Solution File

The location of your .sln or packages.conf file within your source control.


Optional list of package sources (the default source location is

Configuration File

Location of the nuget.config file within your source control.


The location of the NuGet executable file used to run this action.


Use Cache

Look to the local package Cache before going to NuGet or external sources.

Require Consent

As of NuGet version 2.0 a privacy-related constraint option for restores from introduced. When ticked this will check to see if package restore consent is granted before installing package(s). If this box is ticked NuGet will look for the presence of the following within your NuGet.config file (if not present a build error will occur).  


  <add key="enabled" value="true" />