Before reading this page, it is highly recommended you read the Time Trigger page.

Monthly trigger will start a build once a month at a specified time.



The time when a build should be triggered.


Specifies which day of the month will fire a build. This field can be one of the following values:

Day Number

This property can only be set if Repeat is set to On day Number. This property sets the day of the month that a build should be triggered.

Note: If a month does not include a day number then a build will be executed on the last day of the month instead. For example, if your trigger fires a build on the 31st of every month, any months that have 30 days will instead trigger a build on the 30th.


This property specifies the day that a build should be triggered. Note that this property is only available when Repeat is not set to On day number.

In the above example, a build will be executed on the first Sunday of every month.

Associate Changesets

Associate only the latest changeset from all repositories, or associate all changesets from all repositories that have been committed since the last successful build.