AssemblyInfo Files

Enter the full path and file name to the assembly. Put each assembly file on a new line.

Properties To Update

Enter the property and value in the format AssemblyTitle:MyApplication. Each property and value pair must be entered on a new line. All properties specified will be applied to all AssemblyInfo files specified in the AssemblyInfo Files field.

For a list of properties you can update, see Remember to strip off the "Attribute" word at the end of the class name.

The most commonly used properties are: AssemblyCompanyAssemblyProductAssemblyCopyrightAssemblyFileVersionAssemblyVersion (cannot contain spaces).

Update Only

Update the properties and don't add new ones.

Create Backup

The assemblyinfo file will be copied to <filename>.bak

Log Each Updated Property

The updated properties will be put in the build log for later viewing.