The NuGet Update Action is used to update the Nuget packages to the latest version.


A friendly name for this action (will be displayed in the actions workflow area).


Determines if this action will be run within the relevant stage.

Package.config / Solution File

The location of your .sln or packages.conf file within your source control.

Repository Path

Path to the local packages folder (location where packages are installed).


Optional list of NuGet Feed package sources to search for updates (the default source location is

Configuration File

The NuGet configuation file. If not specified, the file %AppData%\NuGet\NuGet.config is used.

Log standard output

Tick this to include NuGet output in the build log.


The property collector pointing to the location of the NuGet.exe file.


Safe mode

Tick this to look for updates with the highest version available within the same major and minor version as the installed package. 

Also update NuGet.exe

Tick this update the running NuGet.exe to the newest version available from the server. You need to ensure that the user running the Agent service has the correct permissions to do this.

Install prerelease packages

Allows updating to prerelease versions. This flag is not required when updating prerelease packages that are already installed. 

File Conflict Action

The action to take, when asked to overwrite or ignore existing files referenced by the project: Overwrite, Ignore, None.


Add environment variables to be used by this action.