When navigating to the Unit Tests tab and assuming some tests have run, you'll see a web page similar to the one pictured below. The page is split into two, the top part is the test result header and the table underneath lists the tests. 

Note: Unit tests are created at the end of each stage they were run in. Be sure to refresh the page once the build has completed to get an accurate representation of unit tests in the result header.


Navigating Unit Tests

Test Result Header

Each type of unit test result in the test result header is clickable and will filter the table below it to show only those types of tests. The result header will vary depending on the results of the tests. To keep things simple we've chosen to hide/show certain unit test results in the result header. Unit tests can have many different results so if there are no tests for a certain result we hide it (except for New Failures). Regardless of the test outcomes we always show New Failures as the default view. The complete list of test result headers are: Total, Passed, Fixed, Failed, New Failures, Error, Inconclusive, Not Run and Shelved.

"Display By"

The Display By drop down changes the way the unit test data is viewed.

Test View

When Test view is selected you will see a list of tests with its name, fixture, namespace, assembly, result and duration. All columns are sortable but only name, fixture, namespace and assembly are taken into account when the search feature is used. If a test's name is clickable then the test has outputted some kind of error message. Clicking on the test will show you the error. Additionally, if a test has previously failed then the message will also contain a link to the build the test first failed in.


Fixture/Namepace/Assembly View

An alternate way of viewing unit test data is to show the test fixtures, namespaces or assemblies. These 3 are hierarchical so assembly will show just the assembly name, namespace will show assembly and namespace and fixture shows all three. These views have a duration column which is a sum of all the tests underneath it, but substitute the test view's result field for a "Total" field which is a count of the number of tests in the view type. The follow image shows all Failed tests displayed by Fixture name.


Filter Breadcrumb

The filter breadcrumb is located to the right of the "Display By" drop down box. The Filter Breadcrumb is constructed as you start clicking links or selecting a view type. While viewing the unit test data you can click on a Fixture, Namespace and Assembly. If there's no previous filter, then clicking one of these will filter the current set of results by that type regardless of it's parent. For example, clicking on a Fixture named "WindowsTests" will filter the results and show tests that belong to the Fixture name "WindowsTests" regardless of which Namespace or Assembly they belong to. If you want to view test in the Fixture "WindowsTests" for a specific Assembly/Namespace then you first select the Assembly, then the Namespace, then finally the Fixture. Filters take into account the current view type, the current test result type selected in the test result header and whatever search text is entered in the search box. The following image is an example of a filter that can be best explain as "Show me all newly failed tests for the fixture ExpectExceptionTest under the namespace of NUnit.Core.Tests in the assembly nunit.core.tests.dll".