
Rake Version

Specify a version string, e.g. :  


This field is optional. If not specified, the latest rake version installed in the selected ruby environment will be used. 

Rake File

Optional - Specify the path and name of the rakefile to use (relative to the build workspace). If not specified, then rake will search the working folder for a file named rakefile.rb or Rakefile.rb

Working Folder

Optional - specify the working folder (relative to the build workspace). If not specified, then the build workspaced folder is used. This folder should generally be where the rakefile lives, unless the rakefile is specified.

Rake Tasks

Optional - The rake Tasks to execute. If not specified. rake will attemp to execute the default task.

Command Line Options

Optional - Extra command line arguments to pass to Rake.


The Ruby Environment to use. Continua includes default property collectors to find ruby.exe and jruby.exe. 



Enable Trace

Turn on Invoke/Execute Tracing, enable full backtrace. 

Use Bundler

Use the Bundler Gem dependencies manager. When this is enabled, rake will be invoked with bundle exec rake.....