Time triggers allow you to execute a Configuration at certain times of the day/week/month. Aside from the Periodic trigger (which allows you specify time intervals), each time trigger requires a date, a time or a date and time for when it should run. To assist you in providing the date/time you want, Continua uses a special helper which has a few nifty features. The date/time field looks like any other text input field. When first loaded up, the filed will contain the current date/time.

The currently selected field will have its value highlighted. In the picture above, you can see that field is 24, the day of the month. Even though it's a text input field, it has a number of both keyboard and mouse short cuts that assist you in updating values.

0 - 9Changes the numeric value of the field
AChanges PM value to AM
PChanges AM value to PM
Up/Down ArrowChanges value by 1
Left/Right ArrowMoves current edit field to next/previous
HomeMoves current edit field to the first field
EndMoves current edit field to the last field
CTRL-HomeUpdates entire field to current date/time
CTRL-EndClears the date/time
separatorMoves to next field if the correct separator is used
Mouse wheel up/downChanges value by 1