The server properties Actions.Messages.ErrorPatterns and  Actions.Messages.WarningPatterns contain a list of patterns which are matched against each line of the standard output from each action which runs as a command line.

One pattern is specified per line in the following format:

Type: "{PatternType}"; Value: "{Pattern|Text}"; IgnoreCase: "{True|False}"; Actions: "{*|ActionTypeName|-ActionTypeName};{ActionTypeName|-ActionTypeName}";

The {PatternType} for the Type parameter can be one of:

Prefix the {PatternType} which a dash - to exclude matching lines. Exclusion always override regular matches.

The Actions parameter can be "*" to apply the pattern matching to the output for all actions, or a list of action type names to apply the pattern match to specific action types. e.g. "MSBuild;FinalBuilder" to apply to the MSBuild and FiinalBuilder actions.

You can also exclude actions by prefixing the action type name with a dash - . e.g.  "*;-FinalBuilder" to apply to all actions except for FinalBuilder actions.