To resolve complex issues, our VSoft team may request some additional debugging information. Please note that debugging will slow the performance of your Continua environment, it is highly recommended that you only enable debugging when you have an issue. Once your issue has been resolved, it is also highly recommended that you disable debugging.

To enable debugging on the server you will need to modify the Continua.Server.Service.exe.config file. 

To enable debugging on an agent you will need to modify the Continua.Agent.Service.exe.config file. Agent debugging can be useful for troubleshooting issues running actions as these are run by the Agent service.

Note: It is highly recommended that you backup your config file before you modify its contents.


Open this file with notepad and find the <loggers> section under <continua-configuration>. you should see the following values:

	<logger name="Continua.Shared.Logging.WindowsEventLogLogger, Continua.Shared.Logging" level="Quiet"/>
	<!-- Uncomment the following line to enable logging to the diagnostics app.
	<logger name="Continua.Shared.Logging.UdpLogger, Continua.Shared.Logging" level="Debug" />
	<!-- Uncomment the following line to enable logging to a file
	<logger name="Continua.Shared.Logging.FileLogger, Continua.Shared.Logging" level="Debug" /> 
	<!-- Uncomment the following line to see logging when running Continua with the -console flag -->
	<logger name="Continua.Shared.Logging.FormattedConsoleLogger, Continua.Shared.Logging" level="Quiet"/>


File Logging

Enabling file logging will write all debug information to C:\ProgramData\VSoft\Continua\Logs. Note that ProgramData may be a hidden directory. Logs will be written to this folder and each log can be identified by the date the log was generated. Each log has the following name <year><month><date>. Logging will be added to the current log until the next day ticks over.

To enable file debugging, uncomment the following line:

<logger name="Continua.Shared.Logging.FileLogger, Continua.Shared.Logging" level="Debug" /> 

To disable debugging, which is highly recommended once your issue has been resolved, simply comment out the line above with <!-- --> .

You can specify a folder to save the debug log to with the location attribute and a add a suffix to the file name using the fileSuffix attribute.

<logger name="Continua.Shared.Logging.FileLogger, Continua.Shared.Logging" level="Debug" location="D:\Continua CI logs" fileSuffix="Server1" /> 

The Continua Server and / or Agent service will need to be restarted once you have enabled, disabled or made changes to file debugging.

UDP Logging

Enabling UDP logging will write all debug information to the Continua.Diagnostics command window. The Continua.Diagnostics application can be found in the same directory as the config file. Run the diagnostics tool and Continua will immediately start debugging to the diagnostic tools. If you are having issues with the Continua service starting up then make sure the diagnostic tool is running before you reset the Continua service.

To enable UDP logging, uncomment the following line:

<logger name="Continua.Shared.Logging.UdpLogger, Continua.Shared.Logging" level="Debug" />

To disable debugging, which is highly recommended once your issue has been resolved, simply comment out the line above with <!-- --> .

The Continua Server and / or Agent service will need to be restarted once you have enabled or disabled UDP debugging.