The String Reverse action enables you to reverse a string. The string can be reversed by words or letters.

Input And Output


From variable

Select existing variable to be used.

Specify value

Input new value to be used


Apply to existing variable

Output changes to the original variable.

Specify output variable

Output changes to a specifics variable.

Reverse Options

Reverse options

Reverse by Word

The input string will be reversed by words.

Example: "one two three four five" will become "five four three two one"

Reverse by Letter

The input string will be reversed by letters.

Example: "0123456789" will become "9876543210"

Scripting Info

The Action properties available are :

property  InputString : string;// The input string, if not using a variable

property  OutputVariable: string;// The Output Variable name

property  ApplyToInput : boolean;// Apply the changes to the input variable, only valid if using an input variable

property  UsingInputVariable : boolean;// True if using an input variable, not input string

property  InputVariable : string;// Input variable name

property  ReverseByWord : boolean;// True to reverse by Words, otherwise false