
The Exclude page allows you to specify conditions to exlcude files from the Robocopy operation.

Exclude files with attributes

Exclude files from the Robocopy operation which have the selected attributes.

Other exclusions

Exclude Junction Points

Self explanatory.

Exclude files tagged as "Older"

Exclude files that exist in both the source and destination where the source file is older than the destination file.

Exclude files tagged as "Changed"

Exclude files that exist in both the source and destination where the timestamps match but the file sizes are different.

Exclude files tagged as "Extra"

Exclude files that exist in the destination but do not exist in the source directory.

Exclude files tagged as "Newer"

Exclude files that exist in both the source and destination where the source file is newer than the destination file.

Exclude files tagged as "Lonely"

Exclude files that exist in the source but not in the destination.

Exclude files larger than X bytes

Self explanatory.

Exclude files smaller than X bytes

Self explanatory.

Exclude with Last Modified Date older than

Self explanatory.

Exclude with Last Modified Date newer than

Self explanatory.

Exclude with Last Access Date older than

Self explanatory.

Exclude with Last Access Date newer than

Self explanatory.