Automise allows you to modify Automise options at runtime using scripting. This makes it possible to specify the path to a third party tool at runtime so that a Automise project can for example use a different version of a third party tool.  

The options objects are accessible using the GetOptionsObject script function. This function takes the name of the options object as a parameter. The name is the same as appears in the Options dialog.  For example to access the Delphi options you would use this code (VBScript example):

dim delphiOptions
set delphiOptions = GetOptionsObject("Embarcadero Delphi")
delphiOptions.D6LibraryPath = delphiOptions.D6LibraryPath & ";$(DELPHI)\Components\Lib"

IDE Options Script Objects

Listed below are the available properties on the IDE options objects.

Automise General Options

General Options

PromptOnClose : booleanGeneralOptions 
PromptOnNew : boolean  
DisplayPropDialog : boolean  
SaveBeforeRun : boolean  
ShowTree : boolean  
AutoLoadLastProject : boolean  

PromptOnDeleteAction : boolean

AutoSizeListColumns : boolean  
DisplayScriptErrors : boolean  

Automise Script Editor

Script Editor

LineNumbers : boolean  
DefaultScriptLanguage : String  
AutoSaveScripts : boolean  

Automise Logging Options


LogHistoryCount : integer  
IncludeActionOutput : boolean  
OnlyIncludeErrorAction : boolean  
ConfirmDeleteRunLog : boolean  
ConfirmDeleteLogFile : boolean  

Properties of Option objects for other option objects are available through the script editor automatic code completion (like Intellisense).