[Automise Professional Edition]

The SQL Server Restore Database action enables you to restore a SQL database from a disk or tape drive.



SQL Server


Specify the MS SQL Server to use.  Clicking "View List" will attempt to locate any SQL Servers on the network.


Use integrated security 

Use Windows Authentication mode for login. This requires that the user running the Automise project has access to the SQL server and instance in question. 


The username to use for connecting to the SQL server. 


The password to use for connecting to the SQL server



Database Name

The name of the database to restore to.

Restore From File

The path of the backup file to be restored. The path must be accessible by SQL Server.

Restore From Tape

The name of the tape drive to restore the database from, i.e. '\\.\TAPE0'.

Set Database to Single User Mode while Restoring

The database will be set to single user mode before the restore procedure starts, then changed back to multi-user once completed.

Replace Existing Database

Forces SQL Server to create the specified database and related files even if a database with an existing name already exists.

Restore Log

Restart a backup restore that was previously interrupted

If a previous restore attempt was interrupted, SQL Server will restore from the point where the last attempt was interrupted.

Restrict access to restored database

Restricts access to the newly restored database to members of the db_owner, dbcreator and sysadmin roles.

Preserve replication settings