Action Properties and Methods


The Action object is passed into Script Events.  The methods and properties available on the Action object are as follows:










Detailed information on the procedures, functions and properties:


procedure SetLogTitle(value As String)

Allows you to set the title of the FinalBuilder log.


procedure SendLogMessage(MessageText As String)

Sends a message to the output window.

Will also trigger the OnStatusMessage event (except when called from within the OnStatusMessge event!


procedure Echo(MessageText As String)

Same as SendLogMessage (see above).


procedure SendProgress(Value As String, progress As Integer)

Sends a progress message to the Run Status window.  This enables the action to report it's progress as it's executing.  Progress is a percentage and should therefore range between 0 and 100.


function ExpandExpression(expr As String) As String

This expands the string passed in by substituting FinalBuilder variables when %<variable>% is encountered.


function ChildActions(index As Integer) As OleVariant

Allows access to child actions, index is zero based.  Use ChildActionCount property to get a count of the child actions.


Example : Turn off debug info on all child Delphi compiler actions... (in this example IncludeDebugInfo is a FinalBuilder variable) add this code to the BeforeAction event handler of the parent action (an action group for example).


dim child

dim count

dim i


count = Action.ChildActionCount - 1


for i = 0 to count

 set child = Action.ChildActions(i)

 ifnot (child is nothing) then

  if child.ActionName = "Compile Delphi Win32 Project" then

     child.CompilerOpt.DebugInfo = IncludeDebugInfo

  end if

 end if






function Parent As OleVariant

Returns the Parent action of the current action.  This will return null for root level actions.


property: ActionComment As String

Provides access to the action comment.


property: ActionLogTitle As String

Allows you to change the title of the action's entry in the output window. Note that this has no effect if set from the AfterAction event (since the log entry has already been made.)


Action.LogTitle  = "Full Build - VB6"

Action.SendLogMessage("File deleted")


property: ActionName As String

Provides access to the Action's name


property: ChildActionCount As Integer

Returns the number of Child Actions the action has.


property: Description As String

Provides access to the Action's description


property: IgnoreFailure As Boolean

Provides access to the Action's IgnoreFailure flag


property: LogToVariable As String

Provides access to the Action's LogToVariable flag


property: PauseInterval As Cardinal

Provides access to the Action's PauseInterval property


property: SuppressStatusMessages As Boolean

Provides access to the Action's SuppressStatusMessages property