The Type Library Importer converts the type definitions found within a COM type library into equivalent definitions in a common language runtime assembly. The output of Tlbimp.exe is a binary file (an assembly) that contains runtime metadata for the types defined within the original type library. You can examine this file with tools such as Ildasm.exe.

Files & Options


Type Library Name

The type library from which to generate a common runtime assembly from. 

Assembly Output File

The name of the output file for the generated assembly. 


Resource ID

When importing a type library from a module containing multiple libraries specify a resource ID which will be attached to the type library file. The resulting file should be located in the same path as the original type library. 

Produce interfaces without runtime security checks

The produced interfaces will not have .NET Framework security checks added. 

Produce a primary interop assembly

Specify to signal that a primary interop assembly should be generated. When used publisher information is added to the generated assembly. 

Import SAFEARRAY as System.Array

Signals that COM SafeArrays should be imported as the System.Array Class type.  

Apply the [out, retval] parameter transformation to methods of disp only interfaces

Specify to transform out return value parameters of methods into return values on the generated assembly. Only occurs on dispatch interfaces. 


The namespace the generated the assembly will use. 

Version Number of Assembly 

The version number the generated assembly will use. In the format



Only use assemblies specified here

Strong Name

Public Key File

Key File

Key Container

Delay Sign


Logging Options

Suppress logo

Display extra information 

Suppress all output except errors