The Extract Public Key Action allows for the extraction of a public key from an assembly, key file, or container. 

User Interface

Extract Public Key

Input File

Extract the public key from an assembly

Extract the public key from a key file

Extract the public key from a container


Output to key file

Output to CSV

Output to clipboard as CSV

Framework version

Use default Framework version (vX.X) / Use vX.X

Allows the selection of the .NET version to use for NGen. The minimum is .NET v2.0.

Use 64-bit tools

This options specifies as whether to force the usage of 64-bit tools on a 64-bit system or not.  As FinalBuilder is currently a 32-bit application it will default to running the 32-bit version on a 64-bit system.  Check this option if you require the 64-bit version to be run.