The Serviced Components Installation Tool (regsvcs.exe) loads and registers serviced component classes from .NET assemblies into COM+ applications. You can also unregister assemblies.

User interface

Regsvcs options


The name of the assembly to install/uninstall from.

RegSvcs Mode:

Find or create COM+ Application and Register Type

If a COM+ Application matching the assembly (or specified name) is found, it will be used. Otherwise, a new application will be created.

Find existing COM+ Application and Register Types

If a COM+ Application matching the assembly (or specified name) is found, it will be used. Otherwise, the action will fail.

Create new COM+ Application and Register Types

A new COM+ Application will be created. If a matching COM+ Application already exists, the action will fail.

Uninstall types

Remove a previously registered assembly.

COM+ Application Options:

Application Name (/appname)

Specify a name for the COM+ Application to register or unregister (or ID of an application to unregister.) If no name is specified, the assembly file name will be used for the application name.

Partition Name (/parname)

Specify the name or ID of a COM+ partition in which to locate the assembly.

Application root directory (/appdir)

Specify a root directory for the COM+ Application.

"Do not reconfigure target application (/noreconfig)"

Only applies when registering components. Default behaviour is to reconfigure.

"Configure components only (/componly)"

Only applies when registering components. If this option is set, only components (not methods or  interfaces) will be reconfigured.

Type Library File

It is possible to specify a name (or path) to a specific type library file to generate/use.

If "Use existing type library" is checked, the type library will not be regenerated.

Framework version

Use default Framework version (vX.X) / Use vX.X

Allows the selection of the .NET version to use for NGen. The minimum is .NET v2.0.

Use 64-bit tools

This options specifies as whether to force the usage of 64-bit tools on a 64-bit system or not.  As FinalBuilder is currently a 32-bit application it will default to running the 32-bit version on a 64-bit system.  Check this option if you require the 64-bit version to be run.