The Native Image Generator (NGen 2.0) Install Action enables the creation and installation of a native image for an assembly and its dependencies. Assemblies with native images run faster on the current machine because they can bypass the .NET Just-In-Time compiler.


User Interface

Specify Assembly By File

Enter the explicit path of an assembly to precompile.

Specify an assembly in the global assembly cache

Specify the full display name of an assembly in the global assembly cache. Separate extra properties with commas.

e.g. "bobsAssembly, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=1138abc1dabcdfle2".

Framework Version

Specify the version of the .NET framework to use for NGen. The minimum is 2.0.


Native images can be compiled for various scenarios. Debugging and/or profiling information can be included. Alternatively, the native image can be generated with a minimum of dependencies (not recommended because non-native dependencies will cause the Just In Time compiler to be invoked, negating the benefits of Native Images.)


The assembly configuration can be optionally taken from an executable configuration or an application base path (note that these two options are mutually exclusive.)

Queue for execution...

Rather than installing directly, the generation Andamp; installation can be queued for execution by the Native Image Service.