The "PropertySet load from AssemblyInfo" action allows you to load the values of .NET property set from a .NET AssemblyInfo file.

PropertySet from AssemblyInfo

AssemblyInfo file

The path to the AssemblyInfo file to load details from. Supported file formats include C#, VB.Net, Managed C++, J# and Delphi.NET.

Property Set

The name of the PropertySet to load the values into. Property sets of type "PropertySet Define action.


Fail if a complete AssemblyVersion attribute is not present

If this option is enabled, the action will fail if it does not find a complete AssemblyVersion attribute in the AssemblyInfo file. A complete attribute contains a value of the form "a.b.c.d". Values of the form "a.b.c.*" and "a.b.*" do not count as complete.

If this option is disabled, the action will assign only those version number parts that are present in the AssemblyVersion attribute. For instance, "5.4.*" will assign MajorVersion to 5 and MinorVersion to 4, but will not assign BuildVersion or RevisionVersion.

Fail if no properties are assigned

If this option is enabled, the action will fail if none of the properties of the PropertySet are assigned by the action.