Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Latest: This will only link the latest changeset to the build.
  • All since last successful build: This will add all the changesets that have occurred in other repositories since the last successful build, to the current build.

For example, let say my configuration is linked to a repository called myRepository myNonTriggeringRepository and this repository is not linked to a repository trigger. Since the last time a build was executed successfully, I have made the following checkins to the source code in myRepository myNonTriggeringRepository

  • Fixed annoying deadlock bug. issue #3199.
  • Minor UI fixes
  • fixed show stopper bug #544


On my configuration I have a second repository called myTriggeredRepo myTriggeringRepo which has a repository trigger that will execute a build every time a checkin is made to myTriggeredRepomyTriggeringRepo.

What I have selected for associate changesets Associate Changesets will change the latest changesets that I will see associated with my builds.

For this example, a build is triggered by a change being detected in myTriggeredRepomyTriggeringRepo. Once the build has finished running, if I check the latest changes made in myRepository myNonTriggeringRepository, I will see the following checkins:

  • With Associate Changesets set to 'Latest':  Fixed annoying deadlock bug. issue #3199.
  • With Associate Changesets set to 'All since last successful build': Fixed annoying deadlock bug. issue #3199, Minor UI fixes, fixed show stopper bug #544.


The options for a Repository Trigger differ slightly depending on the type of the selected repository. If it's a Branch Aware respository branch aware repository (Mercurial,Git, Subversion, PlasticSCM) you will get additional options such as which branches will trigger a build.


When this option is selected, the trigger will start a build if a change was made to the repository's default branch. The default branch is specified when you create create a repository a repository.

Pattern matched branch

When this option is selected, the trigger will start a build when a change is made to a branch whose and that branch's name matches the regular expression you supply. You also get the option to only send notifications to users who triggered the build.
