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Table of Contents

What is a Configuration Condition?

Configuration Conditions are used as a way to queue or discard a build if certain expressions evaluate as true or to ensure that shared resources are acquired before queuing a build. When creating a condition, you provide a behaviour, the build type it's applied to, a condition type and a list of conditions. The following image shows the dialog when creating a configuration condition.


Note that Shared Resource Lock conditions are available from version 1.8

Creating and Editing Configuration Conditions

Configuration conditions can be created, edited or deleted within the Conditions step of the Configuration Wizard.

Image Added

New/Edit Condition 


This field defines the behaviour of the build when the conditions are met. You can choose between Queue and Discard.


A Queue condition controls when a build should begin executing.


You could also configure a queue condition to require one of three available licences for a particular application. To set this up, you would first create a Server Shared Resource called "License.XApp", for example. Next, create a queue condition of type "Shared resource lock" and add the identifier: "License.XApp". Select "Read" lock and enter 1 for the number of locks required (as seen in the screenshot below). With this condition, once three builds are running and have acquired a lock on this resource, subsequent build will sit on the queue until one build finishes and releases a shared resource lock.


A discard condition will stop a build before it is executed if any or all of its expressions evaluate to true, depending on the Expression Logic (see below). Note that discard conditions are always expressions - you cannot have discard conditions based on shared resource locks. The difference between discarding and queueing queuing a build is that a discarded build will never run again while a queued build can run at a later time. Discarding builds is useful when certain types of builds should never get built.


Queue conditions can either be of type "Expression" or "Shared resource lock". Selecting "Expression" allow you to enter expressions which can be evaluated as true or false. Selecting "Shared resource lock" will alow allow you to enter a list of shared resource identifiers along with lock type and number required.
