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Actions and


Action Lists

Automise projects have one or more Targets Action Lists, which in turn contain Actions to perform the build. Each action represents one step in the process, by performing a task such as copying files, creating directories, etc.



Action List

By default each Automise project has a Default TargetAction List.  The project starts at the first enabled action in the Default TargetAction List. If an error occurs then it can be handled by Try Catch Actionsactions. If not handle the build will terminate reporting the error which caused it to terminate. In a change from previous versions of Automise the developer of the build script is responsible for handling all error conditions as required. Previous versions of Automise had a global error handler Target Action List which would be caused if an un-handled error caused the build to stop.  



Action Lists

In addition to the default Action ListsList, Automise also allows you to define additional Targets Action Lists for each project. These can be called with the Run Target Action. Targets Action List action. Action Lists are ideal for grouping sets of actions which are to be performed as a group, or called multiple times with in the script. The greatest benefit of Automise is the ability to call the command line execution with the list of targets Action Lists required to be performed for the current run of the script. This means Targets Action Lists such as Clean, BuildInstall, RebuildCopyToServer, Deploy, and RunTests , and BuildHelp could all be created in the one script and each picked as required for the build required at any future point in time. 

See Also

Actions Tab | Targets Action Lists