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The NuGet actions in Continua are a wrapper around the nuget command line. If you're having trouble using any of the NuGet actions, please refer to the Command Line Reference.

The NuGet Spec Sign action is used to generate the NuSpec for a new packagesign a NuGet package with a X.509 certificate to provide protection against content tampering.




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A friendly name for this action (will be displayed in the actions workflow area).


Determines if this action will be run within the relevant stage.




The paths to one or more .nupkg package files to signThe package for the NuSpec file, or the location of a .proj file (the package name will automatically be derived from the project name).

Output Directory

The folder directory where the NuSpec file will be created. Ignored with project file.


The assembly to use for metadata (for example Name, Version, Title, Company, Description).

Configuration File

signed package should be saved. By default, the original package is overwritten by the signed package. [-OutputDirectory]

Command Line Version

Select the version of the NuGet command line that is installed on the agent. Some other settings and options may be unavailable depending which the command line version is selectedSpecifies the user specific configuration file. If omitted, %appdata%\NuGet\nuget.config is used as the user specific configuration file.


The Using drop down is populated with any property collector whose namespace matches the pattern defined by the NuGet Spec action. The pattern for this action is ^NuGet.*


Alternatively, you can select the Custom option from the Using drop down list and specify a path in the resulting input field that will be displayed. Please read Why it's a good idea to use a property collector before using this option.


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The path to a X.509 certificate file to be used to sign the package.  [-CertificatePath]

Store Location 

The location of the X.509 certificate store used to search for the certificate. This defaults to 'CurrentUser', the certificate store for the user the agent service is running under. [-CertificateStoreLocation]

Store Name

The name of the X.509 certificate store used to search for the certificate. This defaults to 'My', the certificate store for personal certificates. [-CertificateStoreName]

Subject Name

The subject name of the certificate used to search for the certificate. The search is a case-insensitive string comparison using the supplied value, which will find all certificates with the subject name containing that string, regardless of other subject values. [-CertificateSubjectName]


The SHA-1 fingerprint of the certificate used to search a local certificate store for the certificate. [-CertificateFingerprint]


The password associated with the certificate. [-CertificatePassword]


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Configuration File

A specific NuGet configuration file to use. Leave blank to use %AppData%\NuGet\nuget.config. [-ConfigFile]

Hash Algorithm

The hash algorithm to used to sign the package.


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Default is SHA256. [-HashAlgorithm]


URL to an RFC 3161 timestamping server. [-Timestamper]

Timestamp Hash Algorithm

Hash algorithm to be used by the RFC 3161 timestamp server. Default is SHA256. [-TimestampHashAlgorithm]

Overwrite current signature

If not ticked, the command will fail if the package already has a signature. [-Overwrite]


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How much information should the command line output? [-Verbosity]

Force English output

Forces the command line to run using an invariant, English-based culture. [-ForceEnglishOutput]If this is ticked, the NuSpec file will be overwritten if it already exists.

Timeout (in seconds)

How long to wait for the action to finish running before timing out. Leaving this blank (or zero) will default to 86400 seconds (24 hours).
