This is used as a child object of the Stared Resources object under the Build object. e.g. $Build.SharedResources.Server.Namespace.

NameDescriptionTypeUsage Example
The first label on this shared resource acquired by the current build stage (ordered by label name).String$Build.SharedResources.Server.Network.AppDeploymentShares.FirstLabel$"Share1"
A collection of labels on this shared resource acquired by the current build stage (ordered by label name).String Collection$Build.SharedResources.Server.Network.AppDeploymentShares.Labels$"Share1,Share2,Share3"
The last label on this shared resource acquired by the current build stage (ordered by label name).String$Build.SharedResources.Server.Network.AppDeploymentShares.LastLabel$"Share3"
The total number of read locks acquired on this shared resource by the current build stage.Integer$Build.SharedResources.Server.Network.AppDeploymentShares.ReadLockCount$3
True if the current build stage has acquired a write lock on this shared resource.Boolean$Build.SharedResources.Server.Network.AppDeploymentShares.HasWriteLock$False
A comma-delimited list of details of each shared resource lock acquired by the current build stage.String$Build.SharedResources.Server.Network.AppDeploymentShares.LabelLockDetails$"Share1: 1 read lock","Share2: 1 read lock","Share3: 1 read lock"

  • No labels