A child of the Changeset Object and an item in the Changeset Tags Collection, the changeset tag object describes each item under $Source.RepoName.Changesets.First().Tags

NameDescriptionTypeUsage Example
IdA unique identifier given to this changeset tagString$Source.RepoName.BuiltChangeset.Tags.First().Id$"a4ae66dffe5342e47c3aaf987bced4e9a320559e"
MessageThe message or comment associated with this changeset tagString$Source.RepoName.BuiltChangeset.Tags.First().Message$"This is a new tag was created by Johno"
NameThe name of the tagString$Source.RepoName.BuiltChangeset.Tags.First().Name$"Tag1"
The email address of the repository user who tagged the commitString$Source.RepoName.BuiltChangeset.Tags.First().TaggerEmail$"john@company.com"
The username of the repository user who tagged the commit String$Source.RepoName.BuiltChangeset.Tags.First().TaggerName$"johno"
The date and time when the changeset tag was committed or last modifiedDateTime$Source.RepoName.BuiltChangeset.Tags.First().Modified$"11/09/2014 1:48:36 AM"

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