What are they?

Expressions are a mechanism for the autocompletion of objects whose values may not be known until build execution time.  They can also be used to autocomplete variables.

Where can I use them?

Expressions can be utilised in several dialogue fields throughout Continua (they are especially useful within stage actions, and build event handlers).  

The expansion icon (below) denotes fields that have expression capabilities.


Expression Expansion

To initiate n expansion simply type the dollar symbol '$' and the expression auto complete will present (note: not all objects are available in all fields).



NameDescriptionTypeUsage Examples
N/AThe disk location (on the server or agent) of a builds' workspace.string$Workspace$\testfolder"D:\ContinuaAgent\Ws\19\"


NameDescriptionTypeUsage Example
IdA unique Integer allocated automatically to this buildString$Build.Id$"10"
VersionThe build version. This is derived from the configuration 'Version Format String' field on the configuration details tabVersion$Build.Version.Default.Major$"1"
StartedByThe username of the user who initiated the buildString$Build.StartedBy$"peter.toms@finalbuilder.com"
IsFeatureBranchBuildUtilized via build triggers, this descriptor is set to true when a build is triggered on a non-default branchBoolean$Build.IsFeatureBranchBuild$true
BuildNumberAn incremental number allocated to this build (The first build will be build number 0)Numeric$Build.BuildNumber$100
MetricsA placeholder for metrics related to this build (eg the number of unit tests passed)Metrics$Build.Metrics$N/A
HasNewChangesDoes this build contain any new Changesets (which Continua has not yet seen)Boolean$Build.HasNewChanges$true
LinkUrlBuild details UrlString$Build.LinkUrl$"http:\\SERVERNAME\New_Project_1\ci\builds\view\123"


NameDescriptionTypeUsage Examples 
NameName of the Configuration as defined on the Configuration Details PageString$Configuration.Name$"New Configuration 1"


NameDescriptionTypeUsage Example
PortThe Port number used for agent communicationString$Agent.Port$"9000"
HostnameThe Agents HostnameString$Agent.Hostname$"AGENTMACHINE"
NowThe current date and time given as agent localDatetime$Agent.Now$"2014 4:51:44 PM"
NowUTCThe Date and Time given as UTCDatetime$Agent.NowUtc$"2014 6:52:25 AM"
InstallPathThe installation path of the agentString$Agent.InstallPath$"C:\Program Files\VSoft Technologies\ContinuaCIAgent\"
GetUserEnvironmentVairableGets the specified user environment variable (relative to the agent machine's service user, and relative to the agent machine)String$Agent.GetUserEnvironmentVairable("TEMP")$"%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp"
GetMachineEnvironmentVairableGets the specified Machine Environment Variable (relative to the agent machine) String$Agent.GetMachineEnvironmentVairable("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS")$"8"
N/AWhat follows is a list of property collectorsProperty Collector$Agent.NuGet.Default.Path$"C:\Program Files\NuGet\NuGet.exe"


NameDescriptionTypeUsage Example
NameThe name of the Project for which this configuration is a part of (as Provided on the Project Details page)String$Project.Name$"New Project 1"
DescriptionThe description of the Project for which this configuration is a part of (as Provided on the Project Details page)String$Project.Description$"This is a description for new project 1"
SlugA shorterned version of the project name which is safe to use within Url's and other identifiers. For example "New Project 1" would have a slug of "New_Project_1"String$Project.Slug$"New_Project_1"


NameDescriptionTypeUsage Example
List of the repositories associated with configurationWhat follows is a list of repositories associated with the given configurationRepository$Source.Reponame$"Mercurial_Test_1"


NameDescriptionTypeUsage Example
NowThe current date and time given as server localDateTime$Server.Now$"2014 5:03:18 PM"
NowUtcThe date and time given as UTCDateTime$Server.NowUtc$"2014 7:04:01 AM"
HostnameThe Continua server hostnameString$Server.Hostname$"SERVERMACHINE"
InstallPathThe Continua server install path (eg C:\Program Files\VSoft\)String$Server.InstallPath$"C:\Program Files\VSoft Technologies\ContinuaCI\"
UrlThe Server URL (eg http://ContinuaServerName)String$Server.Url$"http:\\SERVERNAME:8080"


NameDescriptionTypeUsage Example 
NewGuidCreate a randomly generated GuidGuid$Utils.NewGuid$"da47b2d6-3580-48ed-b27a-f152da2345e6"

Generate a new random integer value

If one parameter is provided it designates a random number in the range of greater than or equal to zero and the number provided will be generated

If two parameters are provided they designate the range for the generated number.

If no parameters are provided an 32-bit integer greater than or equal to zero and less than int32 max value (2,147,483,647) will be generated.


$Utils.RandomNumber("1", "10")$






Repository (used by $Source )

NameDescriptionTypeUsage Example
BranchThe full name of the branch associated with the build for the given repositoryString$Source.RepoName.Branch$"/branches/a_test_branch"
BranchNameThe branch name of the branch associated with the build for the given repositoryString$Source.RepoName.BranchName$"a_test_branch"
LatestChangesetA placeholder for the changeset information related to the most recent changeset for the given repositoryChangeset$Source.RepoName.LatestChangeset.Comment$"a comment from the last commit"
PathThe disk location of the source associated with the build for the given repositoryString$Source.RepoName.Path$"C:\ContinuaAgent\Ws\44\Source\"
TagThe tag name (if one exists) associated with the build for the given repositoryString$Source.RepoName.Tag$"v3-release"
TypeThe Repository product being usedString$Source.RepoName.Type$"Mercurial"
UrlThe Url of the repository in question (as defined within the repository preferences)String$Source.RepoName.Url$"https://github.com/VSoftTechnologies/Delphi-Mocks.git"

Changeset (used by $Source)

NameDescriptionTypeUsage Example
IdA unique id given to this changesetString$Source.RepoName.LatestChangeset.Id$"a4ae66dffe5342e47c3aaf987bced4e9a320559e"
CommentThis comment associated with this changesetString$Source.RepoName.LatestChangeset.Comment$"This is a test commit"
RepositoryusernameThe username of the user who committed this changesetString$Source.RepoName.LatestChangeset.Repositoryusername$"Peter Toms"
BranchThe full branch path of the latest changeset associated with this repositoryString$Source.RepoName.LatestChangeset.Branch$"/branches/a_test_branch"
BranchnameThe branch name of the latest changeset associated with this repositoryString$Source.RepoName.LatestChangeset.Branchname$"a_test_branch"
CreatedThe created date of this changeset (when the changeset was created within the source repository)Datetime$Source.RepoName.LatestChangeset.Created$ 
FilecountThe number of file changes associated with this commitInt$Source.RepoName.LatestChangeset.Filecount$ 
CommitterusernameThe Username of the Continua User who committed this changeset (if one exists based on user repository mappings )String$Source.RepoName.LatestChangeset.Committerusername$ 
CommitterfullnameThe Full name of the Continua user who committed this changeset (if one exists based on user repository mappings)String$Source.RepoName.LatestChangeset.Committerfullname$ 

Stage (used by $Source)

NameDescriptionTypeUsage Example

Metrics (used by $Build)

NameDescriptionTypeUsage Example
Unit Tests   

Version (used by $Source)

NameDescriptionTypeUsage Example